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Atapuerca September 25, 2024

Sep 28, 2024

1 min read




Atapuerca September 25, 2024

This was a very interesting places to stay. As my brother put it, we were in hobbit town. All the doorways were short, the ceilings were low and the bathroom looked like it was made for a toddler. 🤣 It was very cold when we arrived (1c/34f) and we got there before we could check in, so we attempted to make a fire in the wood stove at the Albergue next door. However because it was raining everything was wet and would just not burn. 😥

Jacotrans is a company that transports bags from place to place for pilgrims and we had a great conversation with the driver who picking up for pilgrims heading to their next place and dropping off bags for other pilgrims arriving that day. He said that they are busy every single day since there are pilgrims that are on the Camino every single day of the year. He was such a nice guy.