
Here in Burgos—a huge city! Sitting here contemplating the 5 flights of stairs I have to go down to start my day out of this apartment —ughhh!
This journey has been challenging to say the least—full of everything: pain, disappointment, discouragement, all kinds of foot & knee issues and yet, it is also full of joy, amazing sights & many moments of great wonder!
Spain is truly beautiful! This country is very ecology minded. Even in the smallest of towns they separate all of their trash. Every public building particularly their bathrooms have lights on timers. Spaniards love their dogs and they are always on a leach.
A fellow pilgrim described the Camino like this:
The first part is physically HARD! You want to give up—you want to quit—because everything hurts!
The second part (which is where we are) the road gets easier & you have time to get into your mind.
And finally on the third part you meet your Soul.
At the end of the day, we all walk our Camino alone. Peace be the journey😎